還記得電影「享受吧!一個人的旅行 (Eat, Pray, Love )」的藥師賴爺嗎?這次去峇里島也因久聞盛名而前往朝聖。
-閱讀手相 (約十五分鐘):30萬印尼盾 (約台幣600元)
-完整祈福儀式(約三十分鐘):60萬印尼盾 (約台幣1,200元)
的確越接觸瑜珈,越會發現瑜珈的世界實在浩瀚無垠,體位法只是最基本的練習,背後牽涉到的除了飲食、思想、健康及心靈層次等等真的是探索不完,然後這些瑜珈、身心靈的課程,通常亦所費不貲,動輒就萬元起跳 (尤其是越有名的老師越貴)。
結論就是,雖然一邊正職一邊斜槓很累,但我暫時還是無法安心成為一個正職的瑜珈老師 (還有太多想上的課!),只好繼續載沉載浮🫠
儀式的最後,祭司會現場製作峇里島著名的三色手鍊 (Tridatu)給祈福者,紅白黑三色分別代表者創意與勇氣,靈性與神性以及保護遠離邪靈的力量,帶著直到自行脫落為止。
Smile with face, smile with mind, and even in your liver.

Liyer Spirit House
地址|Jalan raya pengosekan. Banjar Pengosekan Kaja. MAS. Ubud 80571, MAS, Kecamatan Ubud, Ubud, Bali 80571, Indonesia
電話|+6282147738372 (可以使用WhatsApp預約)

Do you still remember Ketut Liyer, the revered medicine man from the movie “Eat, Pray, Love”? I recently visited Bali to honour his legendary reputation.
Ketut Liyer’s residence is in the heart of Ubud, making it easily accessible if you’re staying nearby. Unfortunately, Ketut Liyer has passed away, but his son has taken up his mantle, guiding people with the same warmth and wisdom. Though not the same as the movie’s portrayal, Ketut’s son exudes a grandfatherly presence, making it feel like you’re conversing with a beloved family elder.
There are two types of services offered. Given the rare opportunity to visit Ubud, I decided to experience the full blessing ceremony.
-Palm reading (about 15 minutes): IDR 300,000 (approximately USD 20)
-Full blessing ceremony (about 30 minutes): IDR 600,000 (approximately USD 40)
With the assistance of the staff, I donned a respectful sarong, and the ceremony began.
The palm reading was predominantly positive, suggesting good fortune and longevity, and encouraging me to pursue my goals.
A unique aspect was when I mentioned my side job as a yoga instructor in addition to my main career. He advised me to maintain my primary job and continue yoga as a side activity if it brought me joy. He cautioned against making yoga my main profession due to potential financial instability, which might cause me to lose the pure joy of sharing yoga with others.
I was surprised by such pragmatic advice from a spiritual healer.
In a peaceful and inspiring place like Ubud, I expected guidance more along the lines of “pursue your spiritual growth.” Instead, Ketut’s son was equally concerned about my practical needs.
Indeed, the more I delve into yoga, the more I realise its vastness. Asanas are just the beginning; the practice encompasses diet, thoughts, health, and spiritual levels. These courses, especially from renowned instructors, often come with a hefty price tag.
I sometimes feel conflicted. The public expects yoga instructors to maintain an ethereal aura and continually enhance their skills. However, balancing this with financial stability can be challenging. Even fairy-like beings need to eat and pay rent!
In conclusion, balancing a full-time job and a side career is exhausting, but I can’t yet fully embrace being a full-time yoga instructor. There are still so many courses I want to take! So, I continue to navigate this path with its ups and downs.
Back to the ceremony. After the palm reading, a series of blessing rituals followed. Though I couldn’t understand the blessings’ content, the process was serene and peaceful. Even my Christian companion, D, felt that the positive energy transcended religious boundaries.
At the ceremony’s end, the priest made the famous Balinese Tridatu bracelet on the spot. The red, white, and black colours represent creativity and courage, spirituality and divinity, and protection from evil spirits, respectively. The bracelet is meant to be worn until it falls off naturally.
Back in Singapore, whenever I feel challenged, I look at the Tridatu bracelet on my wrist and am reminded of my days in Bali. Life isn’t always smooth, and what keeps you going in tough times?
Living in Singapore has its perks—like being so close to Bali. 😂
Smile with face, smile with mind, and even in your liver.
Liyer Spirit House
Address|Jalan raya pengosekan. Banjar Pengosekan Kaja. MAS. Ubud 80571, MAS, Kecamatan Ubud, Ubud, Bali 80571, Indonesia
Tel|+6282147738372 (Can make reservation on WhatsApp)

I like your sharing. Will definitely go there next time as well.
Thanks for your sharing! It makes me wanna visit Bali to see Liyer too!