還記得當年電影「享受吧!一個人的旅行」大紅大紫的時候,那時的我只對峇里島有個概略的印象,僅僅覺得那似乎是個離我有點遙遠的東南亞國家,對於當時電影想要傳達「找自己」的概念,也只是模模糊糊,沒有很進到心裡去 (可能當時還太小,人生還沒太多值得煩惱的事情)。
繁複華麗的衣服,高昂體面的名牌包,在戶外活動不消半小時,大概就會被汗水以及防曬乳弄的又濕又黏。因此走在街道上,可以看到大家都穿得很隨性,大多是輕便簡單的運動服裝,甚至是直接穿著Bikini在外活動。而肩上背的大多是簡單的帆布袋或是方便行動的背包。精緻名貴的服飾及包袋,在峇里島似乎顯得有點突兀 (除非是在Resort)。

My recent trip to Bali spanned 12 days, primarily for an 8-day Yin Yoga teacher training.
I still remember when the film “Eat Pray Love” became immensely popular. At the time, I had only a vague impression of Bali, thinking of it as a distant Southeast Asian country. The film’s message about “finding oneself” felt blurry and didn’t resonate deeply with me, perhaps because I was too young and hadn’t faced many life challenges.
Fourteen years later, before this trip, I rewatched the film on Netflix, curious if I would fall in love with Bali like Liz or like so many friends who visited and couldn’t forget it.
What magic does Bali possess that attracts travellers from all over the world, some even choosing to settle there for life? I was very curious before the trip.
After returning, Bali indeed holds a special place in my heart. Although it is still a developing country and its infrastructure and convenience can’t compare to international cities (especially the traffic), the natural scenery, rich and pure cultural beliefs, and the spiritual fulfilment this journey provided me are unmatched by any other travel experience.
I kept pondering what makes Bali so unforgettable. After discussing it with my travel companion, D, we concluded that Bali’s charm lies in its simplicity.
Bali’s proximity to the equator makes loose, breathable activewear the most comfortable choice.
Intricate, luxurious clothing and high-end bags quickly become sticky and uncomfortable after blending with sweat and sunscreen in just half an hour outdoors. Thus, you see everyone dressed casually, mostly in simple sportswear, and some even in bikinis. Most carry simple canvas bags or practical backpacks. Fancy clothing and bags seem out of place in Bali (unless you’re at a resort).
No one cares about your attire.
Having a healthy tan, a beautiful athletic body, and a balanced mind and spirit are what people admire in Bali.
The warm sunshine and natural atmosphere strip away the facades people carry from their previous lives because, in Bali, it’s unnecessary. No one cares; personal comfort is paramount. With less pretence, people become more open-minded.
In Ubud, you’ll see travellers, seemingly long-term residents, working on their laptops, moving from one yoga studio to another, embodying a zen demeanour. At Uluwatu Beach, people living with the waves—healthy, tanned, muscular, and with radiant smiles—are truly dazzling. Envying their carefree lifestyle, I realised that within our perceived linear framework, such a different way of life exists.
This free-spirited atmosphere makes one rethink what truly matters in life. It’s no wonder the story of “Eat Pray Love” is set in Bali.
I love how Bali brings you back to basics. Material wealth and convenience pale in comparison to a healthy body and a balanced mind.
Bali’s rich natural scenery and unique beliefs and culture create its unparalleled charm.
Mountain enthusiasts can explore terraces, waterfalls, and volcanoes. Beach lovers will find several beautiful beaches to enjoy the sound of the waves. Yoga practitioners can choose from numerous studios offering various practices. For those who appreciate cultural immersion, the local traditional beliefs and artistic treasures are a delight.
I miss the Bali lifestyle:
Waking up in the morning to visit terraces or waterfalls, soaking in the fresh forest air,
enjoying a healthy Ayurvedic breakfast,
heading to a yoga class for meditation and practice,
taking a walk on the beach after class, and enjoying a simple, nutritious dinner.
Life like this—what more could one ask for?
I love this simple, pure lifestyle, where you can completely let down your guard.
Perhaps this explains why Bali is so unforgettable. Deep down, many of us long to cast off all worldly values and judgements and return to the simplest, most authentic way of life.
I yearn for the carefree Bali lifestyle, but an inner voice tells me that now is not the time.
My travel companion, D, didn’t join the yoga training with me. After spending eight days in Ubud alone, he started missing the clean, comfortable, orderly, and goal-driven life of Singapore.
“There are still dreams to pursue; it seems it’s not yet time for such a lifestyle,” D told me.
Perhaps people are inherently contradictory. When exhausted, we long for a paradise away from worldly concerns, but when living in paradise every day, a life without challenges seems somewhat dull.
Singapore’s thriving business environment offers opportunities that Bali cannot provide.
I believe that when the time is right, my heart will tell me where I should settle. Until then, my goal is to become a person capable of choosing to live anywhere.

I like your writing. Bali is a really amazing place. This reminded me of my good time there.
Me too!