文章目錄|Table of contents
在Sarah的著作及課程中,不時提到一位影響她甚深的啟蒙導師──山本博 (Hiroshi Motoyama)博士。山本博士亦是Sarah陰瑜伽導師──保羅・葛利 (Paul Grilley)的啟蒙者,促使他們得以更加深入瑜伽的奧秘,並一解身體活動與精微能量流動間的神秘聯繫。
本山博士是一位日本心理學家、科學家、哲學家、作家和神社祭司,他擁有哲學、生理暨心理學的博士學位,並在1974年獲得聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)頒布為世界最重要十大超心理學家之一,研究領域主要是「自我精神修養 (spiritual self-cultivation)」及「身心靈間的關係 (the relationship between the mind and the body)」。由於山本博士的母親也是一位資深的瑜伽練習者及靈能力者,故他自幼便受到母親的耳濡目染,年紀尚輕便踏上瑜伽及靈性的修行之路。在一路的修行過程中,他逐漸的意識到他此生的一個重要任務,即是透過科學的手段,盡可能清晰地展示脈輪及靈性的知識,並以世人能夠理解的方式傳播給大眾。雖然山本博士已於2015年逝世,但他於美國加州成立的California Institute of Human Science (CIHS)研究中心依然持續運作,期望靈性與科學的研究能夠相輔相成並,讓世人得以更加洞察生命的本質,並對社會做出更有意義的貢獻。
在山本博博士著名的書籍「脈輪理論:通往更高意識的橋樑 (Theories of the Chakras: Bridge to Higher Consciousness),這本書似乎沒有中譯版本,這邊是我自己的翻譯)」,他不但提供了脈輪及靈性修行的科學根據,並將他自己七脈輪的覺醒過程詳細記錄在書中。由於網路上似乎很少系統性分享靈性體驗的討論,所以他的經驗實屬難得,也終於可以讓人一虧究竟所謂的覺醒到底是什麼樣子,而不會予人怪力亂神之感。

山本博士設計了「經絡及臟腑功能狀況測量儀 (簡稱AMI, Apparatus for Measuring the Functional Conditions of Meridians and their Corresponding Internal Organs)」及「脈輪檢測儀」,並對約兩千名受試者進行測試,發現這些皮膚的電流值,得以反映經絡中「氣」的大小及功能狀態。這些不同的氣流狀態,無論是正常運行、氣能過剩、缺乏或不平衡,都基於統計分析和臨床研究被記錄於資料庫中,以便電腦可以自動進行經絡功能的判斷,並生成統計圖表,進行進一步的判讀或診斷。透過大量的實驗與數據分析,脈輪的存在獲得了科學證實,並成為了後人深入了解脈輪理論很好的立足點。
- 海底輪(Muladhara chakra)- 薦骨叢和尾骨叢,人體下半身全區
- 生殖輪(Svadhishthana chakra)- 薦骨叢;泌尿及生殖系統
- 臍輪(Manipura chakra)- 太陽神經叢;消化系統
- 心輪(Anahata chakra)- 心臟神經叢;循環系統
- 喉輪(Vishuddhi chakra)- 上、中、下頸神經節;呼吸系統
- 眉心輪(Ajna chakra)- 垂體、中腦、自主神經系統和激素系統
- 頂輪(Sahasrara chakra)- 大腦皮層,整個神經系統;全身的器官和組織
會想要整理他經驗的原因,在於網路上雖然很多脈輪的文章,但卻缺乏較有威信的討論,以致有些商業活動打著「脈輪覺醒」的旗幟,卻難以證實內容的真偽,畢竟身心靈的東西本來就有點虛無縹緲,本質也相當難被證實,當人們在情緒脆弱時,便很有可能輕易的買單,但是否真的能獲得幫助就不得而知了 (若狀態已經不好了,錢包又被掏空,不是更令人傷心嗎)。因此這裡整理山本博士的經驗給大家參考,希望或許能提供大家一個判斷的依據。
海底輪的覺醒(Muladhara Chakra)
那時我25歲。我的早期練習包括每天早上三點起床,練習半小時的體式,然後坐禪三到四個小時。冥想的第一部分是調息法 (pranayama),後半部分則集中在特定的脈輪上。
這種狀態持續了兩三個月。有一天,當我像往常一樣在祭壇前冥想時,我感到下腹部特別發燙,並看到了一個黑紅色的圓形光球在白色蒸汽中即將爆炸。突然,一股難以置信的力量從我的脊柱沖到頭頂,雖然只持續了一兩秒,但我的身體卻離開地面了幾公分。我感到恐懼且全身炙熱,劇烈的頭痛讓我一整天無法做任何事。這種發熱狀態持續了兩三天,我感覺頭部充滿了能量,彷彿要爆炸。唯一能帶來緩解的方法是敲打頭頂的「梵門 (Brahman Gate )」。
生殖輪的覺醒(Svadhishthana Chakra)
在幾個月前,初次練習調息法時,我在生殖輪周圍感到一種冰火交加的發熱感,並伴隨白色蒸汽的幻象。一兩個月後,我在腹部開始看到一團圓形的紅色火球。從那時起,我便開始經常做具有預言性的夢境,且經歷不由自主的超感官知覺 (如心靈感應),並實現自發的願望。
臍輪的覺醒(Manipura Chakra)
雖然從小我經常見到鬼魂 (低等星界生物),但在這段時間的冥想中,我見到它們的頻率增加了。我有時能通過誦讀淨化經文和佛教經典,以及有意識地發出氣息來緩解它們的痛苦。然而,如果鬼魂非常強大且充滿敵意,我無法幫助它們,反而會受到它們的負面影響。在這些鬼魂的影響下,我的身心變得不穩定,無緣無故地生病或生氣,有一次甚至因為發燒不得不卧床一週。另一方面,正面的靈魂 (那些致力於與他人和諧相處的靈魂),則會對我產生積極的影響,讓我感到非常平和。
心輪的覺醒(Anahata Chakra)
一天早上,發生了以下情況。我看到一種熱能量從我的尾骨通過脊椎上升到心臟。我的胸部感到非常熱,我看到心臟開始發出耀眼的金光。冰冷的水被這股熱量加熱,蒸汽從我的身體表面升起,但我並不覺得冷。當昆達里尼 (Kundalini)從心臟上升到頭頂時,變得閃耀著白光。它通過我的頭頂離開了身體,我隨之進入了一個更高的維度。我的身體仍然站在這個世界的寒風中,但我已經忘記了它。我處於半昏迷狀態,卻意識到自己在高處,崇拜神靈。十到二十分鐘後我回過神來,我母親告訴我,她看到金光從我的頭頂和心臟發出。我認為這次經歷是我心輪覺醒的時刻。
喉輪的覺醒 (Vishuddhi Chakra)
有一句佛家的話如是說: 「諸行無常,是生滅法, 生滅滅已,寂滅為樂」。這意味著一切事物,無論是什麼,都在持續不斷的變化,因為所有事物一旦創造,就終將結束。超越生死,我們才能處於空性 (Shunyata),即絕對的虛無和最高的善。
眉心輪的覺醒 (Ajna Chakra)
這種覺醒不像喉輪覺醒那樣令人恐懼。我像是充滿了天堂般的平靜。我沒有經歷像其他脈輪覺醒時那樣的意識模糊或喪失。相反的,我發現自己處於一種擴張和加劇的意識狀態,有時也被稱為超意識。在這種狀態下,過去、現在和未來同時可知。物體的本質,以及他人的業力、前世、國家和世界的業力變得清晰。這種知識被稱為般若 (prajna),或神聖智慧。
頂輪(Sahasrara Chakra)的覺醒
在進行Shoshuten練習時,我能看到中脈、頂輪以及其他兩個或三個脈輪的光輝。在練習瑜珈六個月或一年後,一道閃亮的金光開始從頭頂進出我的身體,我感覺頭頂好像突出十到二十公分。在星光層面(而非物質層面),我看到一個像佛頭的東西,閃爍著紫色和藍色, 座落在我頭頂。那裡有一束白金色的光流進流出,經過頭頂上的門。逐漸地,我失去了對身體的覺知,但卻保有清晰的超意識。我能看到我的精神自我逐漸上升,透過頭頂離開我的身體,被復歸到天堂。
(1) 進入並影響他人的身體的能力;(2) 擴展自己的存在並將他人納入其中的能力;(3) 自由工作,超越業力和身體限制的能力,以及(4) 與神聖力量合一的能力。
以上是基於我過去三十年的經驗,每個脈輪覺醒及其相應超能力的整體描述。最後,我想強調關於脈輪覺醒的三點。首先,脈輪覺醒是靈魂進化和實現開悟的過程之一。 《奧義書》有云,未能覺醒和認識脈輪的人無法達到開悟,我相信這是真的。其次,我認為哪一個脈輪最先覺醒因人而異。由於個人業力和性質的不同,每個人皆會有較容易被覺醒的脈輪,更容易透過昆達里尼的練習覺醒。最後,我想強調,過度使用某一脈輪的超能力可能導致該脈輪所控制的內臟器官異常或疾病,甚至可能導致早逝。
脈輪 | 掌管 | 平衡狀態 | 失衡狀態 | 身體狀況 |
海底輪 | 世俗生存的安全感 | ・內在具有良好的安全感 ・在物質上不會有恐懼及擔憂 | ・對生存、生命的擔憂、迷惘和恐懼 ・感覺匱乏 ・無法落實想法 ・過於執著物質 | ・腎上腺 ・體重失調 ・痔瘡便秘 ・膝蓋腿部 ・動力低落 |
生殖輪 | 情緒的感受與接納 | ・對生命充滿熱情、積極及好奇心 ・具有創造力 | ・無法處理情緒 ・對生命感到無力,無法積極創造 ・壓抑、鬱悶的狀態 | ・神經敏感 ・情緒低落 ・月經失調 ・生殖問題 ・下背問題 |
臍輪 | 自我價值與肯定 | ・展現自己的意志力 ・充滿自信及自尊 ・能夠達成自己的夢想 | ・自卑、裹足不前 ・無法相信自己,否定自己 ・無法堅持自己的想法 ・驕傲自大、過度強勢 | ・消化不良 ・憤怒 ・肝及腎臟問題 |
心輪 | 愛與被愛的能力 | ・平和、友善、慷慨,具慈悲心及同情心 ・容易感到感恩及喜悅 | ・對給予愛及接受愛有困難 ・經常覺得孤單且不被愛 ・對周遭感到冷漠 ・傲慢、過度自戀 | ・胸悶 ・呼吸不順 ・肩頸背部疼痛 ・血液循環不良 |
喉輪 | 與外界交流的能力 | ・能清晰表達自己想法及感覺 ・良好的聆聽者 ・創造能力佳 | ・溝通障礙 ・害怕與人溝通 ・喋喋不休,無法傾聽 ・容易撒謊 | ・喉嚨問題 ・甲狀腺問題 ・頸部疼痛、僵硬不適 |
眉心輪 | 洞察力、靈感直覺及創意 | ・有良好的直覺、想像力及方向 ・清晰的思緒,可以給自己提供指引 | ・迷惑、迷糊、記憶力差 ・不喜思考,思考有偏差 ・無法看破幻象、愛幻想 ・思緒過多、思想雜亂 | ・頭痛失眠 ・學習障礙 ・耳部問題 |
頂輪 | 宇宙與高等智慧的連結 | ・與宇宙合一,可感受到宇宙的本質 ・可連結神性能量 ・內在感到祥和及平靜 ・擁有更多的內在智慧及智力 | ・過度感性 ・過度理性 | ・頭痛失眠 ・神經緊繃 ・憔悴憂鬱 ・心智混亂 |
In the contemporary flood of discussions, chakras have undeniably become a prominent subject.
While I do believe in the existence of chakras, I have always found it challenging to fully convince myself of this belief. The discussions on chakras often lack authoritative discourse that provides definitive evidence of their reality. When sharing with others, the absence of clear proof makes me worry that my content might lack specificity. Trained by my work to rely on well-substantiated information, I aspire to share thoroughly researched and validated knowledge with everyone.
It wasn’t until I came across Dr. Yamamoto’s research that I finally found the scientific basis for chakras and could finally convince myself of their legitimacy.
“The body is the vehicle, consciousness the driver. Yoga is the path, and the chakras are the map”.
Sarah’s Spiritual Mentor
In Sarah’s writings and teachings, she frequently mentions her profound mentor, Dr Hiroshi Motoyama. Dr Motoyama also served as the mentor to Sarah’s Yin Yoga instructor, Paul Grilley, guiding them both to deeper understandings of yoga’s mysteries and the intricate connection between physical activities and the flow of subtle energies.
Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama was a renowned Japanese psychologist, scientist, philosopher, author, and Shinto priest. He held doctoral degrees in philosophy, physiology, and psychology. In 1974, he was recognised by UNESCO as one of the world’s top ten parapsychologists. His primary research fields included spiritual self-cultivation and the relationship between the mind and the body. Influenced by his mother, an experienced yoga practitioner and spiritualist, Dr. Motoyama embarked on the path of yoga and spiritual practice from a young age. Throughout his path, he recognised his life’s mission: to scientifically elucidate and communicate the knowledge of chakras and spirituality comprehensibly. Though Dr Motoyama passed away in 2015, the California Institute of Human Science (CIHS), which he founded, continues his work. This institution aims to bridge spirituality and science, offering deeper insights into life’s essence and making meaningful contributions
In his renowned book, Theories of the Chakras: Bridge to Higher Consciousness, Dr Motoyama not only presents the scientific basis for chakras and spiritual practice but also documents his own awakening of the seven chakras in detail. His rare and systematic discussion of spiritual experiences offers a unique perspective on the nature of awakening, dispelling notions of mysticism and grounding them in tangible experiences.

Dr Hiroshi Motoyama’s Scientific Experiments on Chakras
Dr Motoyama developed the Apparatus for Measuring the Functional Conditions of Meridians and their Corresponding Internal Organs (AMI) and a chakra detector, testing around 2,000 subjects. His findings revealed that the electrical currents on the skin could reflect the qi within meridians and their functional states. These varying states of qi, whether normal, excessive, deficient, or imbalanced, were meticulously recorded and analysed, allowing computers to automatically assess meridian functions and generate statistical charts for further interpretation and diagnosis. Through extensive experiments and data analysis, Dr Motoyama scientifically validated the existence of chakras, providing a robust foundation for future explorations.
Dr Motoyama’s research focused on comparing the functional ranges of organs between active and inactive chakra subjects. Given the assumed correspondence between chakras and the body’s nerve plexuses, and the belief that yoga practitioners undergo physiological changes affecting internal organ activities, AMI and the chakra detector were placed at these chakra levels. These devices measured the photoelectric signals at the presumed chakra locations, synchronising with instruments recording respiratory, electrocardiographic, plethysmographic, and galvanic skin responses to capture the physiological changes.
Chakras and Their Corresponding Nerve Plexuses and Organs:
- Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra): Sacral and coccygeal plexuses; entire lower body
- Svadhishthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra): Sacral plexus; urinary and reproductive systems
- Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra): Solar plexus; digestive system
- Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra): Cardiac plexus; circulatory system
- Vishuddhi Chakra (Throat Chakra): Superior, middle, and interior cervical ganglia; respiratory system
- Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra): Pituitary body, interbrain, autonomic nervous system, and hormone system
- Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra): Cerebral cortex, entire nervous system; all body organs and tissues
Dr Hiroshi Motoyama’s Chakra Awakening Experiences
Below is an excerpt from Dr Hiroshi Motoyama’s book, detailing his experiences with the awakening of each chakra.
I felt compelled to compile his experiences because, although there are numerous articles about chakras online, there is a notable lack of authoritative discussions. Consequently, some commercial activities exploit the banner of “chakra awakening,” yet their authenticity is questionable. Matters of the mind, body, and spirit are inherently intangible and challenging to substantiate. When people are emotionally vulnerable, they might easily be persuaded, but whether they truly benefit remains uncertain. If one’s state is already poor and their wallet is further depleted, it only adds to the distress. Therefore, I have organised Dr Motoyama’s experiences here as a reference, hoping they might offer a basis for discernment.
Another reason for this compilation is my own curiosity about the current state of my chakras. I often wonder about the level of activity in my chakras, and upon reading Dr Motoyama’s experiences, I realised I still have a long way to go! Achieving chakra awakening is not an easy feat; it requires an immense amount of time, dedication, and perseverance. Thus, when encountering products that claim to aid in chakra awakening, it’s wise to pause and reflect before making a purchase.
Awakening of the Muladhara Chakra
At the age of 25, my early practice involved rising at 3 a.m. daily, engaging in half an hour of asanas, followed by three to four hours of meditation. The first part of my meditation was dedicated to pranayama, while the latter focused on specific chakras.
During this period of continued practice, I began to notice new sensations. I felt an itch at the base of my spine, tingling at my forehead and crown, and a warmth in my lower abdomen. I heard a buzzing sound near my coccyx, akin to that of a bee. In my daily life, my sense of smell became extraordinarily sensitive, making it unbearable to tolerate foul odours.
This state persisted for two to three months. One day, while meditating before the altar as usual, I felt an intense heat in my lower abdomen and witnessed a black and red spherical light about to explode in a white mist. Suddenly, an incredible force surged from my spine to the top of my head, lifting my body a few centimetres off the ground, albeit for only one or two seconds. I was terrified, my body ablaze, and the severe headache that followed incapacitated me for an entire day. This feverish state lasted for two to three days, during which I felt as if my head was filled with energy, and on the verge of explosion. The only relief came from tapping the “Brahman Gate” at the crown of my head.
This was my first experience of the Kundalini energy rising through my spine to the top of my head. I did not suffer from the severe physical or psychological difficulties often associated with such experiences, possibly because my “Brahman Gate” was open, allowing the energy to flow towards the astral dimension.
Awakening of the Svadhishthana Chakra
Several months earlier, during my initial pranayama practice, I felt a mixed sensation of heat and cold around the Svadhishthana Chakra, accompanied by visions of white steam. A month or two later, I began to see a round, red fireball in my abdomen. From that point onwards, I frequently had prophetic dreams, experienced involuntary extrasensory perceptions (such as telepathy), and saw spontaneous wishes come true.
Following the awakening of this chakra, I became extremely sensitive both physically and mentally. During meditation, even the slightest noise startled me as if it were thunder. My emotions became unstable, and I was easily excited. This phase is known as the “dangerous stage” in yoga practice, typically requiring guidance from an experienced teacher. I navigated through this stage with the help of my mother’s guidance and divine protection.
Awakening of the Manipura Chakra
My digestion was poor in my childhood and until I started yoga. Fried foods gave me diarrhoea. I suffered from frequent attacks of gastroenteritis at the transition period of spring or autumn which forced me to live on a simple diet of rice gruel and pickled plums. These issues began to improve approximately six months after I started practising yoga.
Six months later, a new set of sensations emerged. I often saw a concentrated red light at my navel, shining brighter than the sun. I felt dizzy and unable to see anything for about ten minutes. Occasionally, I saw a purple light at my forehead or abdomen.
Although I had seen spirits (lower astral beings) since childhood, during this period of meditation, their appearances increased. Sometimes, I could alleviate their suffering by reciting purification and Buddhist sutras or consciously emitting prana. However, if the spirits were powerful and hostile, I could not help them and would instead be adversely affected, experiencing inexplicable illnesses or anger. On one occasion, I was bedridden with a fever for a week. Conversely, positive spirits (those striving for harmony) had a beneficial effect, making me feel extremely peaceful.
Another result of the Manipura Chakra awakening was an enhanced capacity for extrasensory perception, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and spiritual insight. Emotionally, the awakening enriched my feelings and gave me greater control over my emotions, along with a deeper sense of empathy and compassion for others.
Awakening of the Anahata Chakra
Despite my poor digestion, I never had heart issues. However, about two years into my yoga practice, I began to notice a pain located where a line connecting my nipples intersects the midline of my sternum, and my heart seemed to be functioning abnormally. Surprisingly, I did not feel discomfort; on the contrary, I was healthy, very active, and required very little sleep.
During this period, in the coldest part of winter, I followed the traditional water asceticism, rising at dawn, going outside, and pouring ice-cold water over my semi-naked body for about an hour. My mother stood by, praying for me.
One morning, something extraordinary happened. I felt a surge of heat energy rise from my coccyx up my spine to my heart. My chest felt intensely hot, and I saw my heart emitting a dazzling golden light. The icy water was heated by this warmth, and steam rose from my body, but I did not feel cold. As the Kundalini energy ascended from my heart to the top of my head, it shone with a bright white light. It exited my body through the crown of my head, and I entered a higher dimension. Although my body remained standing in the cold wind of this world, I had forgotten it. I was half-unconscious, yet aware that I was in a high place, worshipping the divine. After ten to twenty minutes, I returned to my senses, and my mother told me she had seen a golden light emanating from my head and heart. I believe this experience marked the awakening of my Anahata Chakra.
Since the awakening of my Anahata Chakra, I have learned to control and transmit psychic energy and perform psychic healing. Unlike the experiences after the awakening of the Manipura Chakra, where spirits would enter my body, after the Anahata Chakra awakening, my own spiritual energy or astral body can enter others to effect healing changes. I can also expand my presence to encompass those I wish to heal, or they can enter my expanded presence and live within it.
This awakening also brought a profound change in my mental state. Most notably, I developed an attitude of non-attachment to worldly things. Although I had already become clairvoyant and telepathic, with rich and controlled emotions after the awakening of the Manipura Chakra, I could not entirely rid myself of attachment. With the awakening of the Anahata Chakra, I began to maintain a constant optimism, realising the truth in sayings like “All things come to one who waits”, “Bad times don’t last” and “Good always follow bad”. I could see that good and bad coexist within and beyond all things, and there is a world beyond this duality. Freed from attachment, I became peaceful and spiritually free. For those who have experienced this true freedom, the pleasures of the dualistic world seem meaningless.
Following this chakra awakening, my desires often manifest naturally. For instance, we had a retreat centre in Nebukawa, Odawara. The land, about four acres, included a deep valley with a river. I often thought of converting part of the valley into a car park for visitors from all over Japan. About a year later, a construction company, for some reason, built this car park for us free of charge, a project that would have cost us about two hundred thousand dollars.
Awakening of the Vishuddhi Chakra
Compared to other chakras, my experiences with the Vishuddhi Chakra were less frequent. However, during the fourth and fifth years of my yoga practice, I began focusing on the Vishuddhi Chakra after my daily pranayama. Soon, I felt irritation in my throat, and breathing became difficult. A few months later, I saw a deep purple light gradually spread around my head. My bodily awareness vanished; I became calm and quiet, experiencing a state of nothingness.
The awakening of the Vishuddhi Chakra felt like a late autumn evening, with the sky tinged in a purple twilight, everything silent and still. The light spread, and I enjoyed the absolute nothingness, feeling my mind come to a complete still.
There is a Buddhist saying: “All conditioned phenomena are impermanent; they arise and cease; that is their nature. When they cease, that cessation is bliss.” This means that everything is in a constant state of flux because all things, once created, must eventually end. By transcending life and death, we achieve shunyata, or absolute nothingness and the highest good.
After experiencing this state several times, I found myself facing an abyss of absolute void. I felt such a terrifying fear that I wanted to stop practising yoga. I often felt as if my attachment to this world was ending, and through these experiences, I was leaving this world. As I learned to completely surrender to God—entrusting my life entirely to Him—this paralysing fear gradually diminished.
During this process, I encountered a horrible devil-like being. It was an indescribable and dreadful experience. However, I also realised that everything, even “gods and devils,” is transient: ultimately, there is nothing to fear. This realisation enabled me to get through this terrifying and dangerous period.
As I overcame fear and embraced the complete silence around me, I clearly saw that I no longer had any attachment to this world. I could work freely in this world without being attached to the outcomes of my actions. I experienced a profound sense of detachment and freedom. With this attitude, I was able to see the past, the present, and the future in the same dimension by surpassing the distinction between them. When I conducted spiritual consultations for members of the shrine, I could see their past lives, current situations, and futures as a continuous flow.
Another result of the Vishuddhi Chakra awakening was an improvement in my hearing. It is said that when the Vishuddhi Chakra awakens, hearing becomes acute. In fact, due to chronic otitis media in both ears from childhood, my hearing had always been poor. Additionally, the eardrum and small bones in my left ear were surgically removed when I was young. However, since the Vishuddhi Chakra awakening, I have been able to hear more clearly—not with my physical ear, but with that of the mind.
Awakening of the Ajna Chakra
During my pranayama practice, I would sometimes focus on my perineum, contracting as I inhaled and relaxing as I exhaled. This caused the perineal region to become warm. This sensation was often accompanied by subtle vibrations between my eyebrows, the presumed location of the Ajna Chakra, and the associated pineal gland. To accelerate the awakening of the Ajna Chakra, I began concentrating on this chakra, visualising the absorption of divine energy as I inhaled and dispersing it into the universe as I exhaled, all while chanting “OM”.
After several months of daily practice for an hour, the energy ascended from my tailbone through my spine, causing my body to become very warm. My lower abdomen around the Manipura Chakra hardened like iron. Breathing became very easy and slow, and I felt as though I could survive without breathing. My body, especially my upper body, seemed to vanish. My Ajna Chakra began to vibrate very subtly. I was completely immersed in deep purple light, with a bright white light shining from between my eyebrows. I heard a voice calling me, echoing as if in a valley. I was filled with ecstasy, and a sacred symbol appeared before me. This state lasted for one to two hours, which I believe marked the preliminary awakening of the Ajna Chakra.
This awakening was not as terrifying as the Vishuddhi Chakra awakening. I felt filled with heavenly peace. I did not experience the confusion or loss of consciousness that came with the awakening of other chakras. Instead, I found myself in an expanded and heightened state of consciousness, sometimes referred to as superconsciousness. Also, the understanding of karma received through awakening the Ajna chakra is not only that concerning individuals but also that of larger entities such as families and nations. And the power to affect and alter others’ karma was greatly enhanced by the awakening of the ajna chakra. This knowledge is called prajna, or divine wisdom.
The awakening of the Ajna Chakra brought with it a range of abilities that seemed to come from different dimensions, distinct from those associated with the awakenings of the Anahata and Manipura Chakras. For example, with the awakening of the Manipura Chakra, I could see and be influenced by spirits and perceive the karma of individuals’ past lives. However, after the Ajna Chakra awakening, I became aware of the suffering of souls and could help liberate them through prayer. Additionally, the understanding of karma gained through the Ajna Chakra awakening encompassed not only individuals but larger entities such as families and nations. The power to alter others’ karma was greatly enhanced through the awakening of the Ajna Chakra.
To summarise, I wish to add that the most significant aspect of the Ajna Chakra awakening is the ability to transcend and purify karma. Therefore, I believe that for a human being, the awakening of the Ajna and Sahasrara Chakras is an absolute prerequisite for evolving to higher levels of existence.
Awakening of the Sahasrara Chakra
In my initial spiritual practice, I regularly engaged in a Taoist exercise known as “Shoshuten.” This method involves purifying the central channel by circulating energy in the upper part of the body, allowing the Kundalini energy to rise through the central channel to the Sahasrara, and then descending to the Ajna Chakra upon inhalation, holding the energy there while holding the breath for two to three seconds. Afterwards, the energy is brought down along the body’s front midline to the Muladhara Chakra, holding it there and holding its breath for two to three seconds. The cycle of energy rising from the Muladhara Chakra to the Sahasrara and back again is maintained.
During the Shoshuten practice, I could see the central channel, the Sahasrara Chakra, and the light of two or three other chakras. After practising yoga for six months to a year, a brilliant golden light began to enter and exit my body through the crown of my head, and I felt my crown protruding ten to twenty centimetres. On the astral (not the physical dimension), I saw something resembling a Buddha’s head, glowing purple and blue, sitting on my crown. There was a stream of platinum light flowing in and out, passing through the crown. Gradually, I lost awareness of my body but maintained a clear superconsciousness. I could see my spiritual self gradually ascending, leaving my body through the crown, and returning to heaven.
I could hear a powerful yet gentle voice echoing through the universe. Upon hearing this voice, I simultaneously realised my mission, past lives, spiritual state, and many other things. Then I experienced an indescribable state in which my entire spirit was immersed in extraordinary peace. After some time, I felt the need to return to the material world. I descended along the same path, re-entering my body through the crown. I had to consciously fill my entire body with spiritual energy because it was very cold, and my limbs were numb. Eventually, I could slightly move my hands and feet, gradually regaining normal sensation.
After the awakening of the Sahasrara Chakra, the abilities gained through the awakening of the lower chakras became stronger. Simultaneously, these chakras became active at higher levels, and those that had not fully awakened, such as the Vishuddhi and Anahata Chakras, began to awaken steadily from that time onwards. Furthermore, as the Sahasrara Chakra became increasingly active at higher dimensions, I gained the following abilities:
(1) The ability to enter and affect the bodies of others; (2) The ability to extend my existence and to include others within it; (3) The ability to work freely, transcending karma and the restrictions of the body; and (4) The ability to be granted union with Divine power.
Summary of Dr. Yamamoto’s Seven Chakra Awakenings
The above is a comprehensive description of the awakening of each chakra and its corresponding superpowers based on my thirty years of experience. Finally, I would like to emphasise three points about chakra awakening. First, chakra awakening is one of the processes for the soul’s evolution and achieving enlightenment. The Upanishads state that those who fail to awaken and recognise the chakras cannot attain enlightenment, and I believe this is true. Second, I think the sequence of chakra awakening varies from person to person. Due to differences in individual karma and nature, each person will have a chakra that is easier to awaken through Kundalini practice. Lastly, I would like to stress that overusing the superpowers of a particular chakra can lead to abnormalities or diseases in the visceral organs controlled by that chakra and may even cause premature death.
Self-awareness and Healing of Chakras
Reading Dr. Yamamoto’s accounts of his awakenings feels like delving into fiction. While the levels of awakening he describes might seem distant to most people, the existence of chakras has been scientifically validated and is closely related to concepts we are familiar with in traditional Chinese medicine, such as “qi” and acupoints. They significantly influence the body’s functioning and balance. We might be able to achieve a deeper awareness of our bodies and, through practices like yoga or meditation, restore ourselves to a balanced and harmonious state when our chakras are out of alignment.
Below are the states governed and corresponding bodily conditions associated with each chakra. Occasionally, take a moment for self-observation to see which part of yourself might need tender care.
Chakra | Domain | Balanced State | Imbalanced State | Physical Manifestations |
Muladhara | Sense of security in worldly survival | ・Inner sense of security ・No fear or worry regarding material needs | ・Worry, confusion, and fear about survival and life ・Feelings of lack ・Inability to implement ideas ・Overattachment to material things | ・Adrenal glands ・Weight disorders ・Haemorrhoids and constipation ・Knee and leg issues ・Low motivation |
Svadhisthana | Emotional feelings and acceptance | ・Passion, enthusiasm, and curiosity about life ・Creativity | ・Inability to handle emotions ・Feeling powerless and unable to create positively ・Repressed, depressed state ・Nervous sensitivity ・Low mood | ・Peaceful, friendly, generous, compassionate ・Easily feel gratitude and joy |
Manipura | Self-worth and affirmation | ・Demonstrates willpower ・Confidence and self-esteem ・Ability to achieve dreams | ・Low self-esteem, hesitation ・Lack of self-belief, self-negation ・Inability to assert one’s ideas ・Pride, overbearing nature | ・Indigestion ・Anger ・Liver and kidney issues |
Anahata | Ability to love and be loved | ・Peaceful, friendly, generous, compassionate ・Easily feels gratitude and joy | ・Peaceful, friendly, generous, compassionate ・Easily feel gratitude and joy | ・Chest tightness ・Breathing difficulties ・Shoulder, neck, and back pain ・Poor blood circulation |
Vishuddha | Ability to communicate with the external world | ・Clear expression of thoughts and feelings ・Good listener ・High creativity | ・Communication difficulties ・Fear of speaking to others ・Excessive talking, inability to listen ・Tendency to lie | ・Throat issues ・Thyroid problems ・Neck pain, stiffness |
Ajna | Insight, inspiration, intuition, and creativity | ・Strong intuition, imagination, and sense of direction ・Clear thoughts, self-guidance | ・Confusion, lack of clarity, poor memory ・Aversion to thinking, biased thoughts ・Inability to see through illusions, daydreaming ・Overthinking, scattered thoughts | ・Headaches, insomnia ・Learning difficulties ・Ear problems |
Sahasrara | Connection to the universe and higher wisdom | ・Unity with the universe, sensing its essence ・Connection to divine energy ・Inner peace and calm ・Greater inner wisdom and intelligence | ・Overly emotional ・Excessively rational | ・Headaches, insomnia ・Nervous tension ・Fatigue, depression ・Mental confusion |
Hiroshi Motoyama (2003). Theories of the Chakras: bridge to higher consciousness. New Delhi: New Age Books.
Like your sharing. I was intrigued by some expensive workshops that promised chakra awakening, but I had my doubts about their authenticity. Finally, a discussion offered me a new perspective and different ways of thinking about it.
Maybe we saw the same advertisement, haha.