文章目錄|Table of contents
第一次聽到莎拉・鮑爾思 (Sarah Powers),是透過RYT200的老師介紹的。當時就提到她的大作《內觀瑜伽:結合禪修與中醫的療癒之道 (Insight Yoga: An Innovative Synthesis of Traditional Yoga, Meditation, and Eastern Approaches to Healing and Well-Being)》是陰瑜伽學習者必讀的經典,於是便買了這本書來自行研讀。一讀才發現真的是經典,好多文字都深深觸動到我的內心,也發現原來融合禪修與中醫的陰瑜伽練習,可以這麼博大精深,似乎又把瑜伽練習帶到了更深一層的境界。
當時的我就很希望有天能夠參與Sarah的培訓,不過這種大師級的老師開課通常都要看緣分。當一得知她2024年3月 (後來因為Sarah受傷改到5月)要在峇里島開課,報名日一開放,我就馬上報名了,那時是2023年的8月。
- 沈浸式的學習體驗:雖然台灣或新加坡也有很多陰瑜珈培訓的課程,但飛到峇里島 (或其他任何國家),擁有的是讓自己全然沉浸的學習環境,不會像參加週末的培訓班,中間會需要抽離出來思考工作的事情。而且峇里島渾然天成的靈性氛圍,真的讓我有非常完整及愉快的體驗。
- 原汁原味的知識傳遞:Sarah在峇里島的課程全程都是用英文進行,沒有額外再找翻譯。雖然我的母語也不是英文,學習體驗一定不會如中文那麼好,有些理解還是要靠猜想或課後自行研讀,但我還是期許自己能用英文吸收原汁原味的內容,因為在翻譯的過程中,很多東西就會失去了原有的精髓。此外,我也很喜歡東西文化碰撞的火花,有時候我們看似習以為常的東西,對西方社會來說卻是從未想過的世界 (例如中醫、經脈和精氣神等),反之亦然。所以英文能力這塊也是我不斷努力的方向,藉由興趣去學習語言,也會比單純學習英文來的有動力許多。
- 國際化的學習同儕:在海外參加培訓,可以遇到來自世界各地不同的人,我喜歡這種和不同背景朋友交流的感覺。藉由多樣的刺激與激盪,能夠啟發我更多嶄新的想法。我也喜歡透過興趣,用英語交朋友的感覺,和平常工作交際時的感覺很不同,在這種沒有利益衝突的環境中,大家都是真心想要分享自己喜歡的事物,通常比較容易破冰,而且會覺得比較沒有開口的壓力。我很喜歡這次培訓中和同學互動的感覺,總覺得自己在峇里島心胸也開放多了,也有助於我回到新加坡後保持一個比較正向的心態 (這次班上學生共28位,因為地理環境的關係,來自新加坡和澳洲的佔了多數,其他就我所知也有來自英國、美國、西班牙和德國的同學。)
- 深入本心的課程內容:陰瑜珈的教學不像陽瑜珈這麼體力密集,大部分節奏都是緩慢而療癒。Sarah每天會帶一套經絡瑜珈的練習,只有在最後一天稍微帶了一下頭倒立跟手倒立,但也不會強迫大家一定要做到。體式解說的部分,因為人數較多,所以隨班都還會有一位助教協助。不過因為課程沒有強調試教才能取得結訓證書,所以體式這部分我覺得還是需要靠自己多多鑽研 (取得結訓證書的要件是兩週內完成一篇短短的小論文作業)。
Sarah在有一天的課程提到了這句話。當時的我還有點半信半疑,想說是要升級什麼。但當課程結束後,我花時間細細品味課程中所學、所見聞的一切,並且維持Sarah建議的每日小小練習 (6分鐘陰瑜伽+12分鐘冥想+6分鐘調息法練習),兩個月下來,是真的感受到前後的我有所不同了。
這些正念 (Mindfulness)的態度,幫助我更圓融的去面對生活中的大小顛簸。似乎也能更從容平和,情緒不再會因為一些小事就被刺激的波瀾起伏。參加培訓前,我的心情其實因為近來的一些未知而感到焦慮不安,但回來後,心情似乎被撫平了許多,想法也在不知不覺中轉念,覺得一切盡人事聽天命,相信宇宙都會有最適當的安排。
- 課程費用
這次培訓八天的培訓費用是USD$ 1550 (約NTD$ 50,600),不包含食宿。
市面上其他60小時陰瑜珈師資班價格約落在NTD$ 35,000至$45,000,比起市面上陰瑜珈培訓略貴一些,但個人覺得以Sarah的專業而言還是值得,開課地點若是在其他國家,價錢可能會不太一樣 (這種大師級的老師都是到處飛來飛去)。
- 住宿
我這次住宿的地點是在烏布市區,距離上課地點 (Rafiantly Alive)步行約9分鐘。Booking.com評等為4星,當初是看到有泳池才選擇Arumasta的。整體還算乾淨舒適,飯店員工都非常親切友好,唯一一個小缺點是覺得廁所沒窗,洗完澡會覺得整體有點潮濕。
這次住宿9天8夜,費用為SGD$514.28 (NTD$ 12,480),換算下來兩人約NTD$ 1,560/晚,還是覺得峇里島的住宿蠻經濟實惠的。
- 機票
這次是從新加坡搭乘Air Asia到峇里島,機票票價為SGD$ 621.4 (NTD$ 15,080)。其實一般從新加坡搭廉航飛過去峇里島不貴,但是這次是因為Sarah臨時改了課程時間,原定三月的課程後來被改到五月。原本三月的機票我提前五個月訂,價格為SGD $209.8 (NTD$ 5,091),結果後來改票後貴了大概快三倍… 兩趟改票費就SGD$120了 (Air Asia單趟改票費SGD$60),早知道這樣的話我就搭新航可能票價都還差不多…
雖然Sarah有贈送一堂免費的線上冥想課程 (USD$108),不過那時候剛好是台灣過年的時間,課程錄音也只開放7天,後來很可惜根本沒有上到。
- 交通
峇里島交通不貴,所以幾乎都是包車遊。接機的部分我都是在Klook訂,第一天我從DPS機場到南邊的金巴蘭 (Jimnaran),13.2公里車程約NTD$266;最後一天從烏布到DPS機場,35.9公里車程約NTD$509。
其他移動部分包車8小時一天約IDR$ 540K (NTD$1,087)。
- 食物
Why Travel to Bali for Yin Yoga Teacher Training? What Inspired Me to Enrol in This Course?
Years ago, when I first encountered Yin Yoga in my youthful exuberance, I must admit, I didn’t quite like it. My initial thought was, “Oops! What kind of yoga is this? An entire class with just a handful of poses? This hour seems incredibly inefficient. It feels like I haven’t even exercised; I have no idea what I spent that hour doing.”
Little did I know, after enduring several years of life’s trials and tribulations, I suddenly realised the benefits of Yin Yoga. Now, when I practise Yin Yoga, my mindset is, “I desperately need an hour of calm. During this hour, besides maintaining slow movements, I don’t want to think about anything. I just want to lie down, allowing my body to thoroughly stretch and relax.”
Thus, Yin Yoga has gradually taken on a more significant role in my life. I have come to appreciate the peace and beauty of allowing myself to slow down.
The fruition of a committed yoga practice is the capacity to deeply relax the inner struggle with life’s paradoxes. Someone who is steeped in yoga is better able to tolerate the extremes of heat or cold, agility or immobility, sadness or joy, free from psychological confusion, resistance, or struggle. .
Why Choose Sarah’s Insight Yoga Course?
The first time I heard about Sarah Powers was through my RYT200 instructor, who introduced me to her remarkable book, Insight Yoga: An Innovative Synthesis of Traditional Yoga, Meditation, and Eastern Approaches to Healing and Well-Being. This was recommended as an essential reading for Yin Yoga practitioners. Intrigued, I purchased the book and found it to be truly a classic. Its profound words deeply resonated with me, revealing the extensive and profound nature of Yin Yoga, which integrates meditation and traditional Chinese medicine, elevating the practice to a higher level.
Back then, I longed for the day I could participate in Sarah’s training. However, such opportunities with a master teacher often depend on timing and luck. Upon learning that she would be conducting a course in Bali in March 2024 (later rescheduled to May due to Sarah’s injury), I registered immediately as soon as enrolment opened in August 2023.
Was It Worth Flying to Bali for the Training?
Two months have passed since the training concluded, and through self-reflection and continued learning, I can now share my experiences and insights on whether it was worth travelling to Bali for Sarah’s training:
- Immersive Learning Experience: While there are many Yin Yoga training courses in Taiwan and Singapore, travelling to Bali (or any other country) offers a completely immersive learning environment. Unlike weekend courses that require mental shifts back to work, Bali’s natural spiritual atmosphere provided a complete and joyful experience, free from such distractions.
- Authentic Knowledge Transfer: Sarah’s course in Bali was conducted in English, without a translator. Although English is not my first language and the learning experience wasn’t as smooth as it would be in Chinese, I was determined to absorb the original content. Translations often dilute the essence of the material. Additionally, I relish the cultural exchange that arises from integrating Eastern and Western perspectives, such as understanding traditional Chinese medicine and meridians from a Western viewpoint and vice versa. Enhancing my English skills through such interests is far more motivating than traditional language study.
- International Learning Community: Attending training abroad allows one to meet people from various parts of the world. I relish the interaction with friends from diverse backgrounds, as it stimulates new ideas and perspectives. Building friendships through shared interests in such a setting, free from work-related social pressures, was a delightful experience. The openness and genuine sharing within the group in Bali made me feel more at ease and positive upon returning to Singapore. Our class comprised 28 students, mainly from Singapore and Australia due to geographical proximity, but also included participants from the UK, USA, Spain, and Germany.
- In-depth Course Content: Yin Yoga teaching is not as physically intense as Yang Yoga, with a slower and more therapeutic rhythm. Sarah led a meridian yoga practice daily, incorporating a bit of headstand and handstand practice on the final day without any pressure to perform perfectly. The large class size meant there was an assistant to help, but since teaching practice wasn’t required for certification, mastering the poses required self-study. The certification involved completing a short essay within two weeks.
Sarah’s core philosophy is Mindfulness, and the course dedicated considerable time to meditation. Her guided meditations were my favourite part, offering profound self-awareness. Whether due to Bali’s environment or Sarah’s guidance, entering a meditative state seemed easier, and my awareness was heightened compared to meditating in a city or my room. The serene natural setting enhanced the experience, often bringing tears during the silent moments of contemplation.
Sarah once said, “Each day here, you may not feel a significant change physically, but every cell in your body is subtly upgraded.”
Initially sceptical, I pondered this deeply after the course. By maintaining Sarah’s recommended daily practice (6 minutes of Yin Yoga, 12 minutes of meditation, and 6 minutes of pranayama), I truly felt a transformation over two months.
The profound insights stem from within. Spending time with oneself, embracing every fleeting moment, appreciating those around you, accepting your imperfections without harsh judgement, and striving to do your best in every task—these practices revealed my inner strength and brought a sense of calm and stability. No longer feeling a need to seek external validation, I discovered a sense of sufficiency and peace.
These mindfulness practices have helped me navigate life’s ups and downs with greater composure, preventing emotional turbulence over trivial matters. Before the training, I felt anxious about uncertainties, but I returned with a sense of calm, trusting that the universe has a fitting plan for everything.
If everyone learns to better manage their emotions, perhaps the world could become a more beautiful place.
If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.
Total Costs of the Bali Training Trip
Here is a detailed breakdown of the expenses for this trip, which I hope will be helpful for everyone.
- Tuition
The fee for the eight-day training was USD $1,550, excluding accommodation and meals. Other 60-hour Yin Yoga teacher training courses generally range from USD $1,200 to $1,500. Although Sarah’s training is slightly more expensive, I believe it is worth it given her expertise. Prices may vary if the course is held in other countries.
- Accommodation
I stayed in the city centre of Ubud, a nine-minute walk from the training location (Radiantly Alive). I chose Arumasta because it had a pool and was rated four stars on Booking.com. The hotel was generally clean and comfortable, with very friendly and helpful staff. The only downside was the lack of windows in the bathroom, making it feel a bit damp after a shower.
The cost for nine days and eight nights was SGD $514.28 (approximately USD $380), which comes to about USD $48 per night for two people. I still find Bali’s accommodation quite economical.
- Flights
I flew with AirAsia from Singapore to Bali, and the ticket cost was SGD $621.4 (approximately USD $460). Typically, budget flights from Singapore to Bali are not expensive, but the course date was changed from March to May, affecting my travel plans. Initially, I had booked the March flight five months in advance for SGD $209.8 (approximately USD $155), but changing the dates nearly tripled the cost. The change fee for two flights was SGD $120 (SGD $60 per flight with AirAsia). In hindsight, flying with Singapore Airlines might have been more cost-effective.
Sarah did offer a free online meditation course (USD $108), but it coincided with the Chinese New Year, and the recording was only available for seven days, so I unfortunately missed it.
Flights from Taiwan to Bali with EVA Air seem to be around USD $650 for direct flights.
- Transportation
Transport in Bali is affordable, so I mostly use car hire services. I booked my airport transfers through Klook: from DPS Airport to Jimbaran (13.2 km) for about USD $9, and from Ubud to DPS Airport (35.9 km) for about USD $18. For other travel, I hired a car for eight hours a day at IDR $540,000 (approximately USD $36).
- Food
Food in Bali is generally inexpensive, except in very touristy restaurants. There is potential to save on food costs, but one must be cautious of food poisoning. Even friends who ate at restaurants, not street vendors, got food poisoning from things like non-fresh ice cubes and sashimi. So, it’s crucial to choose food carefully.
- Total Trip Expenses
Including tuition and all other expenses, my total cost was approximately USD $2,740 per person. This also includes some souvenirs, so it is possible to spend less with careful budgeting.